New Jersey Car Accident Lawyer
Car Accident Lawyer
If you suffered an injury as a result of a car accident (even as a pedestrian), you might have the right to sue to recover damages for your pain and suffering, as well as collect out of pocket costs. Typically you will also be entitled to have your medical bills paid by the proper Insurance Company. In deciding if you have a case, the two main factors that must be considered is how the accident occurred, and what are the extent of your injuries. Based on an evaluation of these factors it can be determined whether it is likely that you can successfully bring a claim to recover for the injuries you suffered. You must also be aware that in New Jersey there is a time limit (known as a Statute of Limitations) that requires you to file a lawsuit within a certain period of time for injuries you might have suffered from your accident. Because of this time limit, it is important that you contact an attorney promptly to evaluate your case and make sure that you are not barred from bringing a potential claim because you missed an important deadline.
For a free no obligation consultation to review your possible claim contact me directly at: (973)686-9787 or Email [email protected]