What Happens After you Have Been Charged with a Crime
If you were charged with a crime, you should look to hire experienced legal representation immediately in order to preserve your legal defenses as well as have the opportunity to enter into a possible plea bargain with the State of New Jersey.
If this is a first offense, and you have no past criminal record, I have been very successful for my clients in getting the charges conditionally dismissed through a diversionary program so at the conclusion of your case you will not have a criminal record and all you will need to do is pay a fine.
If this is not your first criminal charge and you are like the majority of my past clients, you are most concerned about avoiding jail time, having no criminal record, keeping your drivers license, reducing fines, and avoiding extensive community service. A plea deal can often avoid many if not all of these consequences.
What Happens After you Hire a Lawyer
Once you retain my legal services, I immediately contact the Court and enter a Not Guilty plea in writing on your behalf, as well as request all of the discovery (evidence) the State of New Jersey has against you. I then seek a postponement of your Court date until all of this evidence has been sent to my office and reviewed. Remember, the State must always be able to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Criminal charges can have very serious long term consequences on your life, and you need to take equally serious steps to defend yourself properly in Court. For all clients I represent, I will take the following approach:
Investigation– I will order and review all discovery from the State, and determine if the police followed proper procedures, and if so, how strong the State’s case is against you.
Analysis– After review of the discovery, I will discuss with you the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and make recommendations on whether it is in your best interests that I enter into plea bargain negotiations with the Prosecutor, or take your case to trial.
Resolution– If it is determined that it is in your best interest to resolve your matter through a plea bargain, I will look to accomplish the following:
- Determine if your matter qualifies for dismissal through a conditional discharge or the PTI program
- Avoid jail time
- Seek to downgrade your offense to a lesser charge (possibly keeping it off your record)
- Preserve your Drivers’ License
- Lower your fines
Common Criminal Offenses:
There are many types of crimes an adult may be charged with in New Jersey. The list below are the most common charges (but there are certainly others as well) that I have been defending clients on since 1991-Possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, use of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS), possession of cocaine, possession of heroine, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, underage possession of alcohol, white collar crimes, theft, theft by deception, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, improper behavior, bad checks, simple assault, aggravated assault, harassment, resisting arrest, hindering apprehension or prosecution, obstruction or obstructing administration of law, criminal mischief, trespassing, unlicensed entry of structure, defiant trespass, prostitution and sex crimes.
Legal Costs
All matters I accept are on a reasonable flat fee basis. We accept all major credit /debit cards, and payment plans are available. I offer a free consultation either by phone or in my office. Feel free to call me now at: (973) 686-9787
I have been admitted to practice law since 1991, and offer experienced legal assistance to help in your matter.
Practice Areas
If you have been issued a Criminal or Municipal Court Summons, I will diligently represent you in court to get the charges reduced or dismissed. I will always personally handle your matter from start to conclusion, and never assign your case to anther attorney.

264 Union Blvd
Totowa, NJ. 07512
973 686-9787
973 686-9788
[email protected]